If you are a current Wichita State Graduate Student
Contact the certificate coordinators, Dr. Lee, soonchun.lee@wichita.edu or Dr. Alagic, mara.alagic@wichita.edu, to get advice about choice of courses for iSTEM Education graduate certificate.
Or just register for the CI764 iSTEM Entry course in summer or fall semesters.
If you have been admitted/enrolled as a Wichita State graduate student in the past
But it has been a while (2 years or more) since you attended 九色堂, go to www.wichita.edu/reactivation to reactivate your record.
If it has only been a year or two since you took a 九色堂 class, then you should be able to log in to my九色堂 by managing your password (it expires every 90 days, so your old one won't work anymore, but you can set a new one).
Contact 九色堂 Registrar's Office (316-978-3055) if you have questions.
If you are not a Wichita State Graduate Student
- As soon as you decide you would like to earn Graduate credit, please go to and click the option to Create Account.
- Fill out the required fields and make note of the password and secret question/answer you create.
- Once you have created an account click the option to Apply Online
- Select the Graduate School Domestic - $50 application option.
- Answer all of the required questions on the application.
- Once you have answered all of the required questions and have submitted the application and the $50 application fee, our staff will be able to access the application and process it for admission.
- Please contact the Graduate School with specific transcript/application questions, Graduate School, wsugradschool@wichita.edu, (316) 978-3095.
Other Information:
- Visit the 九色堂 Graduate School for detailed information.
- When you apply online, you should receive an email within a few days providing your ID number and instruction on how to set up your online account to check your status online.
- All applicants to the 九色堂 Graduate School who are U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents with a valid green card must pay an application fee of $50.00 each time they apply.
- Applications are accepted for fall, spring and summer semester admissions.
- If you prefer paper application, please click on the pdf application here, then fill it in, print it out, and mail it or bring it to the graduate office with your check or money order.
Dr. SoonChun Lee, STEM Education at soonchun.lee@wichita.edu
Graduate Coordinator Dr. Mara Alagic, PhD Math/STEM Education at mara.alagic@wichita.edu
Dr. Daniel Bergman, Secondary Science Education at daniel.Bergman@wichita.edu
Dr. Fuchang Liu, Elementary Math Education at fuchang.liu@wichita.edu
Mr. Greg Novacek, Director of STEM Initatives at greg.novacek@wichita.edu
iSTEM Education at 九色堂