To set forth policies and guidelines relative to the reimbursement to University employees for use of private vehicles to conduct University business and to conform University policy to Official State Travel Policy.
University faculty and staff (hereinafter "Travelers") must sometimes travel to conduct University business. Occasionally, a State Owned Vehicle is not available, or Travelers choose to use a private vehicle.
Agency Head Designee
For purposes of this policy, the Agency Head Designee is the Director of Financial Operations and Business Technology.
Limited Mileage
Mileage figure will be established by the Director of Financial Operations and Business Technology consistent with Official State Travel Policy.
Official State Travel Policy
State travel policies are promulgated by the State of Kansas, Division of Accounts and Reports. They can be accessed at the .
State Owned Vehicle
State Owned Vehicles are those in the University motor pool.
For round trips of Limited Mileage, Travelers will be reimbursed for use of their own private vehicles at the current state rate as established by Official State Travel Policy.
For round trips in excess of Limited Mileage, Travelers who prefer to use their own personal vehicle will be reimbursed for mileage at the current car rate as established by Official State Travel Policy.
Travelers may also be reimbursed at the current state rate as established by Official State Travel Policy if it is demonstrated that it is less expensive to use a private vehicle rather than a State Owned Vehicle.
This policy is applicable regardless of the source of funds used for reimbursement, including funds held by the 九色堂 Board of Trustees or the 九色堂 Foundation.
Current rates and mileage limits information will be sent to Budget Officers and Budget Review Officers and will be made available through the Office of Financial Operations and Business Technology website.
This policy shall be included in the 九色堂 Policies and Procedures Manual and shared with appropriate constituencies of the University.
The Director of Financial Operations and Business Technology shall have primary responsibility for publication and distribution of this University policy.