6.04 / Appointment Statuses

  1. Policy

    1. Recommendation of the appropriate status when an employee is hired into an appointment is the responsibility of the departmental budget officer making the hire. The budget review officer and the appropriate member of management must approve the recommended status.

    2. An unclassified professional may be terminated at any time for just cause. Dismissal for cause may be related to the performance of, or failure to perform, his/her employment responsibilities or job duties; for behaviors deemed unacceptable; violations of University policy; or violation of local, state or federal laws. Faculty with tenured appointments shall retain those tenured appointments while serving in any of the following appointment statuses.

      1. Executive

        Appointments held at the pleasure of the President and, in the case of the President, at the pleasure of the Board of Regents. Executive appointments may be terminated without cause or notice at any time. Executive appointments are those appointments which are deemed to be of significant managerial importance to the University and include, but are not limited to, vice presidents, deans and other positions as designated by the President. Unclassified professionals holding executive appointments may also hold academic rank and status which may continue if the administrative assignment is terminated.

      2. Regular

        Appointments given to unclassified professionals who have completed a provisional appointment and/or who have reached the level of expertise and/or experience deemed appropriate by the President and/or vice president for the type of position held.

      3. Employees in regular unclassified appointments on July 4, 2016

        Notice of non-reappointment may be given without cause and must be given twelve months prior to the proposed termination. The employee may be reassigned during the notice period.

      4. Employees in regular unclassified appointments hired on or after on July 5, 2016

        Notice of non-reappointment for the succeeding year may be provided at any time. The employment relationship will terminate at either 1) the end of the appointment, or 2) sixty (60) calendar days from the date of notice of non-reappointment, whichever is latest. The employee may be reassigned during the notice period.

      5. Provisional

        Provisional appointments are reviewed on an annual basis and may or may not be renewed. Provisional appointments carry no expectation that regular status will be granted. Upon completion of three years of service as a provisional unclassified professional employee, a person will be placed in regular status, unless notice of non-reappointment has been previously provided. An employee who has reached the level of expertise and/or experience deemed appropriate for the type of position held may be moved to regular status after completion of two years in provisional status upon the written recommendation of the President and/or the appropriate vice president. The recommendation shall be forwarded to the Associate Vice President and University Title IX Coordinator for the Office of Civil Rights, Title IX & ADA Compliance, or designee, for review and approval. Under no circumstances will a person be continued in provisional status for more than three years. Employees in provisional status may be granted up to two years of prior service credit toward the provisional appointment period upon hire with the review and approval of the Associate Vice President and University Title IX Coordinator for the Office of Civil Rights, Title IX & ADA Compliance, or designee.

      6. Employees in provisional unclassified appointments on July 4, 2016

        Notice of non-reappointment for a provisional appointment may be given without cause and must be given on or before March 1 of the current fiscal year. The employee may be reassigned during the notice period.

      7. Employees in provisional unclassified appointments hired on or after on July 5, 2016

        Notice of non-reappointment for the succeeding year may be provided at any time. The employment relationship will terminate at either 1) the end of the appointment, or 2) fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of notice of non-reappointment, whichever is latest. The employee may be reassigned during the notice period.

      8. Contingent

        Appointments are for a fixed period of time subject to the terms and conditions of the individual appointment specified in the appointment notice and are usually funded from restricted use funds or by grants. Contingent appointments terminate at the end of an appointment period and carry no expectation of reappointment. Contingent appointments may be terminated without notice at any time.

      9. Contingent Unclassified Professionals employed on July 4, 2016

        Contingent unclassified professionals that, at any time during their employment, transition to a regular unclassified professional appointment or a provisional unclassified appointment will be eligible to continue employment under the applicable unclassified professional non-reappointment policy that was in effect on July 4, 2016. This shall apply only when employment is continuous.

      10. Temporary

        Appointments are for a fixed period of time subject to the terms and conditions of the individual appointment specified in the appointment notice. Temporary appointments terminate at the end of an appointment period, carry no expectation of reappointment, and may be terminated without notice at any time. Employees may not be changed from temporary to provisional status without an affirmative action search or the approval of the Associate Vice President and University Title IX Coordinator for the Office of Civil Rights, Title IX & ADA Compliance, or designee, and the appropriate vice president or President.

      11. Regular University Support Staff employed on July 4, 2016

        Regular USS employees that, at any time during their employment, transition to a regular unclassified professional appointment or a provisional unclassified professional appointment will be eligible to continue employment under the applicable unclassified professional non-reappointment policy that was in effect on July 4, 2016. This shall apply only when employment is continuous.

      12. Probationary University Support Staff employed on July 4, 2016

        Probationary USS employees that, at any time during their employment, transition to a regular unclassified professional appointment or a provisional unclassified professional appointment will be eligible to continue employment under the applicable unclassified professional non-reappointment policy that was in effect on July 4, 2016 This shall apply only when employment is continuous.

    3. When it is determined that non-reappointment of an unclassified professional employee is in the best interests of the University, the employee's manager will submit a written recommendation to the appropriate vice president. The vice president will review the recommendation and, if he/she is in agreement with the recommendation, will coordinate the issuance of written notice of non-reappointment with the Office of Human Resources.

    4. All unclassified professional "Notice of Appointment" forms will indicate the employee's appointment status. Any unclassified professional appointment may be terminated at the end of an appointment period for reasons of program discontinuance and/or financial exigency per University policy.

      [Program/Unit Discontinuance Procedures for Unclassified Professionals are located at Section 6.14, and Financial Exigency Procedures for Unclassified Professionals are located at Section 6.15.]

  2. Implementation

    This policy shall be included in the ΎΕΙ«ΜΓ Policies and Procedures Manual and shared with appropriate constituencies of the University.

    The Office of Human Resources shall have primary responsibility for publication, dissemination and implementation of this University policy.

  3. Revision Dates

    1. June 17, 1999
    2. June 7, 2003
    3. April 15, 2009
    4. June 17, 2016
    5. April 25, 2023 (maintenance updates only)
    6. August 22, 2023 (maintenance updates only)