Initiating Authority
- Academic Affairs and Administration, Finance, and Operations serves as the initiating authority for this policy.
- In the event of an Inclement Weather Event and/or an Emergency Event, the University shall take all reasonable measures to protect the health and safety of students, faculty, and staff. Should such an event occur, the University may implement a temporary adjustment to its class and/or operations, including late start and moving class instruction and Non-Critical Campus Operations to remote delivery, when possible. Critical Campus Operations will continue to operate on-campus to the fullest extent possible.
- As part of the University's decision making and communication process in implementing temporary adjustments to operations due to an Inclement Weather Event and/or Emergency Event, the University will consider the safety of its employees, students and visitors; the snow and ice removal needs of the campus; the closure of local school districts and related childcare challenges faced by University students and employees; and the business needs of the University.
Application of Policy
- This Policy is applicable in the event the University declares an Inclement Weather Event and/or an Emergency Event.
- This Policy shall apply to all University and ICAA staff, faculty, and instructors.
- This Policy shall apply to the University main campus location and the satellite locations
listed below. University Programs located outside of the University main campus, or
satellite locations listed below, for example the Pathway to Nursing program in Manhattan,
should follow the instructions of the Faculty Member and other individuals supervising
the programs at those locations. More information regarding satellite locations can
be found on the Maps and Directions page.
- 九色堂 Old Town - A
- 九色堂 Old Town - B
- 九色堂 Old Town - C
- 九色堂 Haysville
- 九色堂 South
- 九色堂 West
Determination of Inclement Weather and/or Emergency Event
- The President or the President's designee(s) determine when an Inclement Weather Event and/or Emergency Event necessitate a temporary or permanent adjustments to operations that may include one or a combination of the following measures: late start, remote instruction, remote work, cancellations or closure. These decisions are frequently made in consultation with, or delegated to, the Provost and Senior Vice President Administration Finance and Operations.鈥
Defining Class Expectations
- The Faculty Member will communicate course delivery instructions to students in their syllabus and/or Blackboard regarding expectations during an Inclement Weather Event and/or an Emergency Event. Template language for syllabus and Blackboard communications is available from Academic Affairs.
Communicating Course Delivery
- It is the responsibility of the Faculty Member to ensure that students are provided with an acceptable alternative for courses in the event of an Inclement Weather Event and/or Emergency Event. This includes instructional material, assignments, and exams. The Faculty Member, in consultation with the department chair, will determine the appropriate method of delivery. The Faculty Member should seek support from the Office of Instructional Resources to help identify appropriate alternatives, when needed.
Course Delivery by Course Type
- Remote Courses. During an Inclement Weather Event and/or Emergency Event, online courses shall be held remotely as regularly scheduled, unless the Faculty Member communicates class cancellation or alternate course delivery. The Faculty Member is encouraged to provide additional flexibility for students who demonstrate that they are adversely affected by an Inclement Weather Event and/or Emergency Event.
- In-Person Courses. During an Inclement Weather Event and/or Emergency Event, in-person courses (including
all TCI, HYB1, HYB2, and OHY courses) shall move to remote delivery, unless otherwise
stipulated in the course syllabus or communicated through Blackboard. Remote delivery
options include synchronous, asynchronous, and alternative assignments to accommodate
students without access to synchronous or asynchronous remote delivery, as determined
appropriate by the Faculty Member. Synchronous and Asynchronous Remote Delivery shall
be as follows:
- Synchronous Remote Delivery. A Faculty member may move to a synchronous remote course section during an Inclement Weather Event and/or Emergency Event. The Faculty Member should be aware that, depending on the nature of the event, some students may be unable to attend the course due to lack of internet access, lack of other required equipment such as a home computer, or the need to care for children at home due to a K-12 school cancellation. Alternative assignments should be made available for these students.
- Asynchronous Remote Delivery. During an Inclement Weather Event and/or Emergency Event, a Faculty Member may, as an alternative, post instructional materials such as lecture videos or other media resources relevant to the topic, as well as appropriate assignments, if applicable, outside of the regular course schedule.
- Applied Learning, Practica, and Clinics. Faculty, instructors, and other individuals supervising applied learning programs must ensure that the student adheres to the Inclement Weather Event and/or Emergency Events policies and procedures as established by the course and/or the clinical/applied learning site, except that the clinical site supervisor, clinical faculty member, program director, program chair, or Dean may direct students as deemed necessary to ensure the health and safety of the student.
Campus Operations
Critical Campus Operations.
- Critical Campus Operations are expected to continue to perform work during an Inclement Weather Event and/or Emergency Event. Employees who support Critical Campus Operations under 九色堂 policies and are expected to report to campus or their regularly assigned worksite unless otherwise instructed by their Vice President, Dean, or the Director of Athletics, as applicable.
- Critical Campus Operations include:
- Student Housing;
- Shocker Dining (may reduce business hours as needed);
- Campus Police;
- Facilities Services;
- Any lab, department, or business unit within the Division of Industry and Defense Programs ("IDP"), as determined by the respective lab or business unit director.
- Academic Research laboratories, as determined by the respective lab director;
- Operations designated by the President, Athletic Director, or any Vice President as Critical Campus Operations. Such designation may be permanent or temporary and may be designated as of the day or time of the Inclement Weather Event and/or an Emergency Event.
Non-Critical Campus Operations
All operations that are not otherwise deemed Critical Campus Operations are considered Non-Critical Campus Operations. Employees supporting Non-Critical Campus Operations shall perform work remotely during Campus Closure due to Inclement Weather Event and/or an Emergency Event except where the head of the department or unit determines that it is not feasible for the employee to work remotely during the Inclement Weather Event and/or Emergency Event.
Pay, Leave, and Time Off
Inclement Weather and Emergency Event Pay
Rate of Pay
- Inclement Weather and Emergency Event Pay is equivalent to being paid the regular rate of pay for the employee's regularly scheduled shift in addition to the Employee's regular rate of pay for actual hours worked during the declaration of an Inclement Weather Event and/or Emergency Event.
Eligibility for Inclement Weather and Emergency Event Pay
- A Non-Exempt Employee who supports Critical Campus Operations shall be eligible for Inclement Weather and Emergency Event Pay if the Employee is required to report to a Designated Campus Site and work either some or their entire regularly scheduled shift during a Declaration of Inclement Weather Event and/or Emergency Event and there is a Campus Closure.
- An Exempt Employee is not eligible for Inclement Weather and Emergency Event Pay.
- Employees on leave with pay during an Inclement Weather Event and/or Emergency Event will continue using their accumulated leave.
Inclement Weather / Emergency Event Leave
Eligibility for Leave
- Inclement Weather / Emergency Event Leave with pay is available during Campus Closure due to Inclement Weather Event and/or an Emergency Event when the head of the department or unit determines that it is not feasible for the Employee to work remotely during the Inclement Weather Event and/or Emergency Event.
- Employees must be in pay status the entire workday before and the entire workday after the Inclement Weather / Emergency Event day to receive paid Inclement Weather / Emergency Event leave.
- Employees in leave status the day before and the day after an Inclement Weather / Emergency Event will not receive Inclement Weather Pay or be allowed to change their leave status. Employees on leave with pay (such as vacation or sick leave) during an Inclement Weather / Emergency Event will continue using their accumulated leave.
Recording Inclement Weather / Emergency Event Leave in Timekeeping System
- If leave is approved, hours not worked should be recorded as Inclement Weather / Emergency Event Leave by the Employee during a closure.
- Inclement Weather / Emergency Event Leave shall be recorded by Non-Exempt Employees in the timekeeping system as "Inclement Weather Non-Exempt".
- Inclement Weather / Emergency Event Leave shall be recorded by Exempt Employees in the timekeeping system as "Inclement Weather Exempt".
Recording Time Worked During Inclement Weather / Emergency Event
- Non-Exempt Employees who support Critical Campus Operations, and are required to report to a Designated Campus Site and work either some or their entire regularly scheduled shift during a Declaration of Inclement Weather Event and/or Emergency Event, should record both (i) the actual hours physically worked at a Designated Campus Site as regularly scheduled hours on the timesheet; and (ii) the total hours that they would have normally been scheduled to work for that day (regular shift hours) as "Inclement Weather Non-Exempt" in the timekeeping system.
- Non-Exempt Employees who do not support Critical Campus Operations and who perform remote work during an Inclement Weather Event and/or Emergency Event should record such work time as regular hours worked.
- Exempt Employees who perform work during an Inclement Weather Event and/or Emergency Event should record such work time as regular hours worked and no leave should be reported.
- For the purpose of this policy only, the following definitions shall apply:
- Campus Closure: Campus Closure occurs when the President or an authorized designee announces that regular campus operations are closed due to an Inclement Weather Event and/or Emergency Event.
- Critical Campus Operations: All Campus Operations that are identified in this Policy at Section III.D.1.
- Designated Campus Sites: Designated Campus Sites shall include the Wichita State Main Campus and other University locations, as identified in the University's Annual Safety and Security Report and shall also include any other site determined by the President or a Division Vice President.
- Emergency Event: A condition or event that is unexpected, emergent, or unusual, and may adversely impact the University's ability to operate and provide services or may place members of the campus community at risk. Such conditions may include criminal acts, fire, adverse chemical spills, public health threats, sustained loss of critical infrastructure, (e.g. power, water, heat, or life safety systems), major public transit disruptions, and special directive or restrictions from public safety authorities.
- Faculty Member: The assigned faculty or instructor teaching the applicable course.
- Inclement Weather Event: Severe weather that has the potential to disrupt normal operation and/or activities of the University, or results in the Governor issuing a Declaration of Inclement Weather. Examples include snow, ice, severe cold, high winds, tornadoes, earthquakes, and flooding.
- Non-Critical Campus Operations: Campus Operations that are identified in this Policy at Section III.D.2.
- Employee: An individual who provides services to the University on a regular basis in exchange for compensation and receives a W-2 for such services. This includes student employees, and temporary and part-time Employees.
- University: 九色堂.
- For the purpose of this policy only, the following definitions shall apply:
Applicable Laws And Additional Resources