Graduating seniors, fill out survey for free T-shirt!
Looking for personalized career guidance and support? Meet with a Career Coach for one of our many in-person or virtual career coaching appointments.
Career Events
Get career ready by attending our events, such as career fairs, workshops, professional networking, lunch-and-learns, and more! Check it out today!
View our event schedule
PathwayU is a self-guided career assessment tool that helps you navigate through a personalized career exploration process.
Learn about PathwayU
This online career database for students and employees is now live and allows you to search and apply for on-campus employment, co-op/internship positions, and full-time employment!
Learn about Shocker Central
GoinGlobal is the leading career and employment resource for finding jobs and internships at home and abroad.
Learn about GoinGlobal
Applied Learning Stories All Stories Akash Pandey: Analyzing Data, Unlocking Success Bella Neish: Flexing Her Future in Exercise Science Pranav Sathya Prasad: Engineering His Way from Wichita to Apple Brendan Kohler: A Game Plan for Success in Sport Management
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