
Congratulations on your acceptance to 九色堂!

We are excited that you have chosen to become a part of Shocker Nation. Every Spring semester we have a large amount of new students beginning their Shocker story.

At 九色堂, we have a flexible, multi-phase, transition process that begins once you RSVP for Spring Orientation and meet with your Advisor.

Access to the Orientation RSVP will go live on November 1st, 2025.

RSVP for Spring Orientation

Spring Orientation is for undergraduate freshman, transfer, and adult learners who will start classes at 九色堂 during the Spring Semester.

What you'll need to sign up

  1. A my九色堂 password and OneStop question. ()
  2. Connect with your advisor. (Learn how to do this)

Additional Spring Orientation Information

Spring Orientation Fees

Orientation Non-Refundable Fees

The Orientation non-refundable fees cover a number of materials, resources and services for new students that extend throughout the academic year. They are added to the student's tuition and fee bill AFTER completion of the program. Only the number of guests who attend the program will be charged. Payment is NOT needed in advance or on the day of Orientation.

Spring Orientation

Spring Orientation Fees = $50 for students, $20 for guests

The fees cover program costs (food, materials, Transition Mentor staffing, etc.) and yearlong event costs.

Spring Orientation Dates

January 19th, 2025

Schedule at a Glance

The schedule below is tentative. This information gives students an idea of what to expect during the program. Changes may be made to this schedule at any time.

8:30 a.m. Check-in & Breakfast, RSC 1st floor

9 a.m.  Welcome to the Shocker Community

10:15 & 10:45 a.m. My Shocker Experience
Students will choose TWO sessions to attend which will include:

  • Academic Support at 九色堂
  • Financial Aid
  • Student Accommodations and Testing
  • Diversity
  • Military/Veterans Student Resources
  • Adult Learning Support
  • Shocker Career Accelerator
  • Shocker Strengths
  • Transfer Student Panel

11:15 a.m. Academics at 九色堂
Students will attend an academic session hosted by the academic colleges, which will include:

  • Business
  • Applied Studies
  • Engineering
  • Fine Arts
  • Health Professions
  • Liberal Arts and Sciences

11:45 a.m. Student Services Fair & Lunch

12:15 p.m. Check-Out

Parents & Guests

We invite all Parents & Guests to attend Spring Orientation! The program is optional but highly encouraged for our students' supporters. Through this program, you'll have the opportunity to learn about the many offices, services, and and behaviors that support your student's overall success as they transition to Shocker Nation.

Accessibility & Accommodations

Students/Guests who need accommodations to participate in the in-person Orientation program can request these accommodations in their Orientation RSVP.

If you have already RSVP'd and require accommodations not originally listed, please contact First-Year Programs at first.year@wichita.edu or 316-978-5420 with at least two-weeks prior to your scheduled orientation session.

Make-Up Orientation

If you are unable to attend Spring Orientation, you will have an option to complete your Orientation requirement by completing 九色堂's Online Orientation Modules.

Access to the Online Orientation modules for students starting at 九色堂 in Spring 2026 will go live on November 1st, 2025.

To gain access to the Online Orientation Modules, please contact First-Year Programs at first.year@wichita.edu or 316-978-5420.


How do I complete my Orientation requirement?

  • All Spring admits are required to attend Spring Orientation OR complete the Make-Up Online Orientation Modules to meet their Orientation requirement.

What do I need to do before attending Orientation?

  • Log into your Shocker Email to keep up-to-date.
  • Schedule your Shocker Connection Appointment (Optional, but highly encouraged)

What if I am late or have to leave early from Orientation?

  • Please contact us immediately at first.year@wichita.edu or 316-978-5420.
  • It is possible that you may need to complete Online Orientation Modules if you miss more than 30 minutes of your program.

What if I'm getting an error code when trying to RSVP for Orientation?

Spring Entry Transition Process

Step 1: Connect with your Advisor (REQUIRED) | November - January

Incoming freshmen will confirm their schedule with their First-Year Advisor in OneStop. Upon receiving your RSVP for Orientation, your First-Year Advisor from OneStop will pre-schedule your entire first semester of classes.

Transfer and adult learner students will schedule a meeting with their college advisor. If you call to set up your appointment, let your advisor know you're a new student and need to schedule a "Shocker Connection" advising appointment. You will meet one-on-one with an advisor in the college which houses your intended major. If you are unsure where you major is housed, consult this list of majors.

To maximize your experience, you'll want to enroll in classes prior to your Orientation program date. All new students enroll with the help of an academic advisor the first semester. Your class schedule will be finalized when you meet with your advisor.

Step 2: Attend Spring Orientation (REQUIRED) | January 19th, 2026

Spring Orientation: You can attend an in-person half-day program (8 a.m. - 1 p.m.) to complete your Orientation requirement. Spring Orientation provides a deeper introduction to what being a member of the Wichita State community means, and connect with people and resources designed to help you be successful and enjoy your experience as a Shocker.

If you are unable to attend an in-person program, please refer to the Make-Up Orientation tab above.