Become a Tutor: Apply

Reminder: Tutors must have passed the courses they wish to tutor with at least a B+.

Office of Student Success Tutor Application

Personal Data
The ID the university has given you.
Please provide your 九色堂 email address ONLY.
九色堂 & Course Interest
Are you currently enrolled at 九色堂?*
What positions in our office are you interested in applying for?*
Please use the 4-letter class code and number - i.e. ENGL-101, BIOL-210, etc.
Are you currently on Work Study?*
Additional Questions
If you are not applying for the data management or social media student assistant positions, please put N/A in the box.
How did you hear about student positions in our office?*
Educational Background (Optional)
Please list the high school you attended.
Please list other colleges that you have attended.
References (Optional)

If you feel it would help your application, please list the contact information of two people who can verify your academic credentials and attest to the skills outlined in the positions you are applying for.

First Reference

Second Reference
I hereby attest that all of the information stated in this application to be truthful and accurate.

Thank you for your interest in becoming a tutor.

  • We will contact you via email if we wish to discuss this opportunity with you further.
  • Wage for tutors is $11 per hour at a maximum of 10 hours per week.

If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact Caitlin Jordan at