The following is a list of Lecture Series lectures scheduled for the Spring 2010 semester.
January 22, 2010
Dr. Srinivasamurthy Bhargava
University of Mysore, Mysore, India
"On a function which unifies the cubic analogues of the Jacobian theta function"
February 5, 2010
Dr. Gracia Stucky
"Bayesian Approach in Stattistical Quality Control"
February 12, 2010
Nanhee Kim
"Carleman estimates with two lare parameters and their applications"
February 19, 2010
Prof. Bartosz Protas
McMaster University, Hamilton, ON Canada
"On Some Control and Optimization Problems in Vortex Dynamics"
March 12, 2010
Dr. Bo Li
Purdue University
"The Value of Multi-proxy Reconstruction of Past Climate"
March 26, 2010
Dr. Zhiliang Xu
University of Notre Dame
"Conservation Constrained Runge-Kutta Discontinuous Galerkin Method with Improved
CFL Condition for Conservation Laws"
April 2, 2010
Dr. Xiaolin Li
SUNY at Stony Brook
"Front tracking and its coupling with convection dominated problems"
April 6, 2010
Prof. Nikolai Leonenko
Cardiff University
"Spatiotemporal Random Fields Arising As Rescaled Solutions of Random PDE"
April 9, 2010
Dr. Yingjie Liu
Georgia Institute of Technology
"Central Schemes and Central DG on Overlapping Cells with New Develpments on Hierarchical
Reconstruction as the Limiting Technique"
April 16, 2010
Prof. Yimin Xiao
Michigan State University
"Smoothness and Fractal Properties of Gaussian Random Fields"
April 23, 2010
Prof. Larry Cummings
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada
"Synchronizable Coding and Difference Systems of Sets"
April 30, 2010
Prof. Harold Parks
Oregon State University
"Computation of area-minimizing hypersurfaces"