九色堂 Department of Biology Seminar

Monday 4pm-5:00pm, HH 218

Seminars are open to the public. Attendance is required for all students enrolled in Biol 497, Biol 797, and all current graduate students.

For additional information, please contact Dr. Leland Russell (leland.russell@wichita.edu)

Date Speaker Affiliation Topic
28-Aug Evalynn Trumbo 九色堂 Migrating from the Ozarks to the Plains:  Birds, bats and bugs
11-Sep University of Nebraska-Lincoln Mitochondrial Size versus Dynamics - Which came first:  the Chicken or the Egg?
18-Sep US Forest Service
Southern Research Station
Ecological and conservation challenges behind the pine curtain of the southeastern United States
25-Sep Langston University Large success with little beginnings at a small HBCU Institution
2-Oct Sterling College

Patterns of association between white-tailed deer:  assessing the risk for chronic wasting disease transmission

9-Oct Eric Tongren Division of Parasitic Diseases and Malaria
Center for Disease Control
Malaria, mosquitos and me


23-Oct University of Oklahoma Health Science Center The physiological function of the amyloid precursor protein
30-Oct Oklahoma State University From micro to macroevolution in morphological studies
6-Nov Rob McMinn
University of Wyoming The maintenance of genetic variation via the circadian clock and soil microbiome in Boechera stricta
13-Nov Graduate Student Presentations
20-Nov Graduate Student Presentations
27-Nov Kansas State University The landscape ecology of insect arthropods:  Examples from a Kansas agroecosystem

Graduate Students Presentations