Minutes of the Election for the 2016-2017 Faculty Senate Officers and
Planning and Budget Committee Members

Faculty Senate Minutes
Clinton Hall 126 3:30PM (Immediately following the last meeting of the 2015-2016 Senate)

Senators Present: ( No attandance Taken)

Senators Absent:

Summary of Actions:
1. Accepted appointment of Senator Carolyn Shaw to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee
2. Accepted appointment of Senator Jeff Pulaski to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee
3. Accepted appointment of Senator Janice Ewing to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee
4. Accepted appointment of Senator Masud Chand to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee
5. Accepted appointment of Senator Victoria Mosack to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee
6. Accepted appointment of Senator George Dehner to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee
7. Accepted appointment of Education Representative Senator Janice Ewing to the Planning and Budget Committee
8. Accepted appointment of Fine Arts Representative Senator Kirsten Johnson to the Planning and Budget Committee
9. Accepted appointment of University Libraries Representative Senator Samuel Willis to the Planning and Budget Committee

I. Call to Order 鈥揗eeting called to order at 4:33PM by President Yildirim

II. Informal Statements and Proposals 鈥 None

III. President鈥檚 Report 鈥 President Yildirim recognized the new senators and reminded senators of their responsibilities:

a. To review the agenda and all materials
b. To consult with peers on issues
c. To convey information back to the departments
d. To enjoy and attend the senate meetings
e. To serve on or recruit colleagues for Faculty Standing Committees

President Yildirim noted that the agenda is determined by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and senators are to provide agenda items. Listed are the potential agenda items for AY 2016-2017:
i. Budget for Faculty Senate Office
ii. 九色堂-WATC Merger
iii. Status of Instructors and Promotion Guidelines
iv. Weapons Policy
v. Admissions Exceptions
vi. First Year Seminar
vii. SGA Resolutions
viii. Prioritizing Budget Cuts

IV. Election of Officers
a. President 鈥 Elect Carolyn Shaw
b. Vice President Jeff Pulaski
c. Secretary Janice Ewing
d. Executive Committee Members
i. Masud Chand
ii. Victoria Mosack
iii. George Dehner (Appointed by President Yildirim)
The slate of officers listed was accepted for the Faculty Senate Executive Committee.

V. Election of members to the Planning and Budget Committee
a. Education - Senator Janice Ewing
b. Fine Arts 鈥 Senator Kirsten Johnson
c. LAS Social Sciences 鈥 Tabled 鈥 President Yildirim will contact senators to fill this position
d. University Libraries 鈥 Senator Samuel Willis

The senators listed above were accepted to the Planning and Budget Committee

VI. As May Arise 鈥 None

VII. Adjournment 鈥 at 4:45PM