Monday, November 9, 2015
CH 126 3:30 pm β 5:00pm
I. Call to Order
II. Informal Statements and Proposals
III. Approval of the Minutes --2015 Senate Meeting: October 26
IV. Updates:
V. President's Report
a. Met with Mark Porcaro (UP Senate) and Stacy Salters (Classified Senate) to discuss
Weapons Safety Policy
b. Met with Joseph Sheppard (President, Student Government Association)
VI. Committee Reports:
a. Rules Committee - Senator Yildlirim, c;hair
b. Library Committee - Bill Hendry, Chair (see attachments to the meeting notice)
c. Admission and Exceptions - Rachel Crane, chair
VII. Old Business β none
VIII. New Business
a. Commencement and Final Exam Proposal - Registrar, Gina Crabtree
IX. As May Arise
X. Adjournment