Monday, October 26, 2015
CH 126 3:30 pm β 5:00pm
I. Call to Order
II. Informal Statements and Proposals
III. Approval of the Minutes
2015 Senate Meeting: September 28
IV. Updates:
a. Mary Walker β replace will Klunder on Exec Comm as Pres. Appointment through May
V. President's Report
b. Recruitment and In-State tuition program proposal.
c. Weapon's and Class Room Safety
i. Faculty Survey β COFSP (Faculty Senate Presidents)
ii. Chronicle of Higher Ed today about implementation of concealed carry at UT Austin.
Implementation in August 2016.A University Debates How to Carry Out a Divisive Guns-on-Campus
Law - The Chronicle of Higher Education
iii. Recent Kansas Poll
VI. Committee Reports:
a. Rules Committee (Senator Yildirim)
b. President's Committee on WATC (Senator Barut)
VII. Old Business -- none
VIII. New Business
a. Received a memo from Dr. Vizzini re admission and exceptions
b. Planning and Budget Vacancy - Election
IX. As May Arise
X. Adjournment