2017-2018 Annual Committee Reports
Committee | Chair | Box | Ext | |
Academic Affairs | Jeff Pulaski | 67 | 7712 | jeff.pulaski@wichita.edu |
Court of Academic Appeals | Kirsten Johnson | 67 | 7708 | kirsten.johnson@wichita.edu |
Faculty Affairs | Pina Mozzani | 53 | 6608 | pina.mozzani@wichita.edu |
Faculty Support | Mehmet Barut | 77 | 6930 | mehmet.barut@wichita.edu |
General Education | Kathy Delker | 68 | 6331 | kathy.delker@wichita.edu |
Library | Keith Gray | 27 | 3410 | k.gray@wichita.edu |
Rules | Betty Smith-Campbell | 41 | 5746 | betty.smith-campbell@wichita.edu |
Scholarship & Student Aid | Michael Imhoff | 87 | 3215 | michael.imhoff@wichhita.edu |
Tenure & Promotion | Gamal Weheba | 35 | 5777 | gamel.weheba@wichita.edu |
Undergraduate Research | John Hammond | 33 | 3260 | john.hammond@wichita.edu |
Admission & Exceptions | Rachel Crane | 68 | 5078 | rachel.crane@wichita.edu |
Name | College | Box | Ext | Appt. Ends | |
Jennifer Stone | Education | 28 | 3876 | jennifer.stone@wichita.edu | 2018 |
Jeff Pulaski - chair | Fine Arts | 67 | 7704 | jeff.pulaski@wichita.edu | 2018 |
Bryan Lehecka | Health Professions | 210 | 3604 | bryan.lehecka@wichita.edu | 2019 |
Ramazan Asmatulu | Engineering | 133 | 6368 | ramazan.asmatulu@wichita.edu | 2019 |
Jodi Pelkowski | Business | 122 | 7029 | jodi.pelkowski@wichita.edu | 2019 |
Mark Schneegurt | LAS Natural Sciences | 26 | 6883 | mark.schneegurt@wichita.edu | 2019 |
Mary Walker | Univ. Libraries | 68 | 5792 | mary.walker@wichita.edu | 2020 |
Jeff Jarman | LAS Social Sciences | 31 | 6075 | jeffrey.jarman@wichita.edu | 2020 |
Fran Connor | LAS Humanities | 14 | 3130 | francis.connor@wichita.edu. | 2020 |
a. Composition: 10 members: 9 Faculty, one chosen from each of the Senate divisions,
1 student
b. Selection: Standard
c. Charges:
1. Review and make recommendations on proposals for new undergraduate degrees and
academic programs.
2. Review existing policies governing academic affairs and proposals for curricular
change or development.
3. Serve as the curriculum committee for programs and other units which are not covered
by a curriculum committee in one of the degree-granting colleges/schools.
4. Resolve curriculum issues involving two or more college/schools or units. These
matters may be referred to the committee by the college/school curriculum committees
or the Office of Academic Affairs and Research. In such instances, a representative
of the Office of Academic Affairs and Research shall serve as a member of the committee
(ex officio, non-voting).
5. Recommend new or changed policies concerning academic affairs to the Senate. This
includes, but is not limited to, developing, reviewing, and recommending changes to
university-wide academic standards and practices and administrative practices and
policies likely to have an impact on existing academic programs and practices.
6. The Academic Affairs Committee shall have the power to interpret existing academic
policy and resolve disputes over diverse interpretations of the policy.
Name | College | Box | Ext | Appt. Ends | |
Kirsten Johnson - chair | Fine Arts | 67 | 7708 | kirsten.johnson@wichita.edu | 2018 |
Dan Close | LAS Social Science | 31 | 6058 | dan.close@wichita.edu | 2019 |
Kim Darden | Health Professions | 47 | 3011 | kim.darden@wichita.edu | 2020 |
Alternates | |||||
Rajiv Bagai | Engineering | 46 | 3915 | rajiv.bagai@wichita.edu | 2018 |
Jeff Hayton | LAS Humanities | 46 | 7832 | jeff.hayton@wichita.edu | 2019 |
Frank Rokosz | Education | 16 | 5443 | frank.rokosz@wichita.edu | 2020 |
Student: Rocelll Delevante tdelevante@shockers.wichita.edu
Anna Turosak annaturo@gmail.com
a. Composition: 5: 3 Faculty chosen from among the Senate divisions, 2 students
Alternates: 3 faculty, 2 students (one must be a graduate student)
(Committee may use former members if necessary)
b. Selection: Standard. Faculty justices must be tenured and must be members of the
graduate faculty. They shall serve three-year staggered terms and shall represent
different Senate divisions. The committee shall also have two student members plus
two student alternate members (one must be a graduate student). Cases involving graduate
students must be heard by graduate students.
c. Charge:
1. Operate according to the Procedures of the Court of Student Academic Appeals,
a copy of which is available in the Office of the Faculty Senate.
2. Make the final decision on cases appealed to it regarding students' requests for
a change of grade, or other matters regarding academic requirements which a student
can challenge.
For the Court of Academic Appeals go to 九色堂 policies and Procedures, 2.03/ Court
of Student Academic Appeals -- /about/policy/ch_02/
Office | Name | College | Box | Ext | |
President | Carolyn Shaw | LAS Social Science | 17 | 7130 | carolyn.shaw@wichita.edu |
President-Elect | Betty Smith Campbell | Health Professions | 41 | 5746 | betty.smith-campbell@wichita.edu |
Past President | Bayram Yildirim | Engineering | 35 | 3426 | bayram.yildirim@wichita.edu |
Vice President | Nikki Keene Woods | Health Professions | 135 | 3060 | nikki.keenewoods@wichita.edu |
Secretary | Doug English | LAS Nat Sciences | 51 | 7353 | djoug.english@wichita.edu |
Appointed Member | Mehmet Barut | Business | 77 | 6930 | mehmet.barut@wichita.edu |
At Large Member | George Dehner | LAS Humanities | 45 | 7734 | george.dehner@wichita.edu |
At Large Member | Jay Price | LAS Humanities | 45 | 7792 | jay.price@wichita.eddu |
Office of the Faculty Senate | Bobbi Dreiling | Administrative Assistant | 111 | 3504 | bobbi.dreiling@wichita.edu |
a. Composition: 8
b. Charges;
1. Sets agenda for Senate meetings. An item shall appear on the agenda for the next
meeting upon written request of five or more senators representing at least three
Senate divisions.
2. Reviews proposed changes to the Handbook for Faculty, other that those recommended
the Senate.
3. Receives policy recommendations from appropriate Senate committees and decides
which policy recommendations require full Senate review.
4. Any faculty member may request that the Executive Committee consider a matter
for inclusion on the Senate agenda. The Executive Committee may decide to include
matters on the Senate agenda, or refer such matters to a Senate committee for considerations
or establish ad hoc committees to consider such matters, to dismiss such matters,
or take other appropriate actions. In all cases, the Execurive Committee will notify
petitioners of the disposition of their petitions.
Name | College | Box | Ext | Appt. Ends | |
Atul Rai | Business | 77 | atul.rai@wichita.edu | 2018 | |
Pina Mozzani - chair | Fine Arts | 53 | 6608 | pina.mozzani@wichita.edu | 2018 |
Susan Matveyeva | University Libraries | 68 | 5139 | susan.matveyeva@wichita.edu | 2018 |
Deepak Gupta | Engineering | 44 | 7756 | deepak.gupta@wichita.edu | 2019 |
T J Boynton | LAS Humanities | 14 | 3130 | Thomas.Boynton@wichita.edu | 2019 |
Fred Besthorn | LAS Social Sci. | 154 | 7230 | fred.besthorn@wichita.edu | 2019 |
Ngoyi Bukonda | Health Professions | 43 | 5591 | ngoyi.bukonda@wichita.edu | 2020 |
Daowei Ma | LAS Natural Sci | 33 | 3939 | daowei.ma@wichita.edu | 2020 |
Soon Chun Lee | Education | 28 | 7819 | soonchun.lee@wichita.edu | 2020 |
a. Composition: 9: 9 Probationary or Tenured Faculty members, one chosen from each
of the Senate divisions
b. Selection: Standard
c. Charges: The Faculty Affairs Committee deals with the relationship between the
九色堂 Faculty and the University and the State of Kansas. Specific areas of responsibility
1. Terms of employment, tenure policies, tenure and promotion guidelines, salary,
fringe benefits, retirement, life insurance, health insurance, leave procedures, faculty
benefits and responsibilities, dismissal policies and conflict of interest policies.
2. Issues of faculty statues within the University.
3. Academic freedom policies of the University and the State, including review of
current policies, recommendations for changes, and review of any changes proposed
by the University or the Board of Regents.
revised membership & Charge 3-27
Name | College | Box | Ext | Appt. Ends | |
Rocio DelAguila | LAS Humanities | 11 | 6007 | rocio.delaguila@wichita.edu | 2018 |
Gerald Scholl | Fine Arts | 53 | 6155 | gerald.scholl@wichita.edu | 2018 |
Michelle Adler | Education | 28 | 3452 | michele.adler@wichita.edu | 2019 |
Gamal Weheba | Engineering | 35 | 5777 | gamal.weheba@wichita.edu | 2019 |
Wendy Duesenbury | Health Professions | 41 | 3610 | wendy.dusenbury@wichita.edu | 2019 |
Kyoung Lee | LAS Social Sci | 154 | 3206 | kyoung.lee@wichita.edu | 2019 |
Meghann Kuhlman | University Libraries | 68 | 5075 | meghann..kuhlman@wichita.edu | 2020 |
Paul Rillema | LAS Natural Sci | 51 | 3120 | paul.rillema@wichita.edu | 2020 |
Mehmet Barut - chair | Business | 77 | 6930 | mehmet.barut@wichita.edu | 2020 |
a. Composition: 10: 9 Probationary or Tenured Faculty who are members in full standing
of the Graduate Faculty, one chosen from each of the Senate divisions (department
chairs and or directors are ineligible), 1 Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs.
b. Selection: Standard
c. Charges:
1. Review requests for institutional support of individual, departmental, and college/school
research proposals, and forward recommendations to the Associate Vice President for
Academic Affairs.
2. Assist the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Graduate
Studies in the consideration of overall institutional policy governing the award criteria
and management of University
Vice President for Academic Affairs
4. Periodically review the University guidelines on sabbatical leaves and make recommendations
for changes as appropriate.
5. Review and act upon requests for institutional support of teaching and allocate
resources available
7. Identify faculty who are willing to help other faculty who wish assistance with
teaching or research.
8. Recommend to the Vice President for Academic Affairs ways to recognize excellence
in teaching and research.
Name | College | Box | Ext | Appt. Ends | |
Kathy Delker -- chair | University Libraries | 68 | 6331 | kathy.delker@wichita.edu | 2018 |
George Dehner | LAS Humanities | 45 | 7734 | george.dehner@wichita.edu | 2018 |
Amy Drassen Ham | Health Professions | 43 | 5644 | Amy.ham@wichita.edu | 2019 |
Aaron Rife | Education | 28 | 6367 | aaron.rife@wichita.edu | 2019 |
Steve Oare | Fine Arts | 53 | 6434 | steve.oare@wichita.edu | 2019 |
LAS Natural Sci | 2019 | ||||
Kamran Rokhsaz | Engineering | 44 | 3410 | kamran.rokhsaz@wichita.edu | 2020 |
Becky Nordyke | Basic Skills Rep | 31 | 6891 | becky.nordyke@wichita.edu | 2020 |
Chris Broberg | Business | 147 | 5175 | chris.broberg@wichita.edu | 2020 |
Shirlene Small | LAS Social Sci | 25 | 3280 | shirlene.small@wichita.edu | 2020 |
Student: Shelby Rowell a. scrowell@shockers.wichita.edu
Composition: 12: 9 Faculty, one chosen from each of the Senate divisions, 1 Basic
Skills faculty representative, 1 Student, 1 non-voting, ex officio member, General
Education Coordinator --
b. Selection: Standard
Coordinator of General Education: Subsequent to the present coordinator's term, the
Coordinator of General Education will be appointed by the Vice President for Academic
Affairs for a three-year term, and may serve no more that six consecutive years. The
VPAA will select the Coordinator from a list of three nominees recommended by the
General Education Committee. The search process for the Coordinator of General Education
will be directed by the VPAA in consultation with the General Education Committee.
c. Developing the concept of Issues and Perspectives courses, according to the guidelines
approved by the faculty
d. Soliciting proposals for Issues and Perspectives Courses
e. Approving proposed Issues and Perspectives Courses
3. Develop and implement, in concert with the Coordinator of General Education, the
assessment process for General Education.
4. Develop, implement, and assess, in concert with the Coordinator, the across the
curriculum component of the General Education Program.
5. Recommend changes to the program when necessary. Proposed changes will be considered
by the Faculty Senate; major changes shall automatically be sent to the General Faculty
for approval.
6. Develop and coordinate the General Education advising process.
c. Any changes in the list of core courses and Issues and Perspectives courses.
d. Results of assessment of general education courses.
e. The extent of implementation of Issues and Perspectives courses.
f. Any problems or difficulties regarding the program, with recommendations for improvement.
revised 4/10/2000
Name | College | Box | Ext | Appt. Ends | |
Chase Billingham | LAS Social Sci | 25 | 3280 | chase.billingham@wichita.edu | 2018 |
Semih Tartaroglu | Business | 77 | 3219 | semih.tartaroglu@wichita.edu | 2018 |
Elaine Steinke | Health Professions | 41 | 5740 | elaine.steinke@wichita.edu | 2019 |
Keith Gray - chair | LAS Natural Sci | 27 | 3410 | :k.gray@wichita.edu | 2019 |
Huzefa Kagdi | Engineering | 83 | 3918 | huzefa.kagdi@wichita.edu | 2019 |
Robert Feleppa | LAS Humanities | 74 | 7881 | robert.feleppa@wichita.edu | 2020 |
Michelle Adler | Education | 28 | 3452 | michelle.adler@wichita.edu | 2020 |
Kelly St. Pierre | Fine Arts | 53 | 3103 | kelly.stpierre@wichita.edu | 2020 |
Student: Umair Zoumy email: umairzoumy@ymail.com
Raghavendra Deshmukh email: rxdeshmukh@shockers.wichita.edu
a. Composition: 16: 8 Faculty, one chosen from each of the Senate academic divisions,
1 representative appointed by the Graduate Council, 2 students ( one graduate student,
one undergraduate student), 5 library staff ( ex-officio, non-voting): Dean, Coordinator
for Collection Development, Associate Dean for Access Services, Head of Reference,
Associate Dean of Administration
b. Selection: Standard.
c. Charges:
1. Represent faculty views and interests in matters relaing to the University Libraries.
2. Represent faculty concerns to the University Libraries about the impact of library
policies and
procedures on faculty and student interest.
3. Assist the Faculty Senate and the University Libraries in identifying and articulating
long-term institutional priorities with respect to library resources, service and
4.Advise the Faculty Senate, University Libraries and other committees and individuals
charged with understanding the role and impact of of current and emerging technologies
in the 九色堂 and oather libraries and with implementing policy with respect to technological
coordination and development.
5. Report annually to the Faculty Senate. The report should identify significant
developments during the year with regard to Library policy and long-range planning.
Specific accomplishments and policy
initiatives and revisions should be identified, as well as the expected consequences
for faculty and students.
rev. charge 11-22-10
Name | College | Box | Ext | Appt. Ends | |
Susan Castro | LAS Humanities | susan.castro@wichita.edu | 2019 | ||
Peer Moore-Jansen | LAS Social Sci | 52 | 7059 | pmjansen@wichita.edu | 2018 |
Terence Decker | Business | 78 | 7086 | terence.decker@wichita.edu | 2019 |
Abu Asaduzzaman | Engineering | 44 | 3400 | abu.asaduzzaman@wichita.edu | 2019 |
Nick Solomey | LAS Natural Sci | nick.solomey@wichita.edu | 2019 | ||
Samuel Willis | University Libraries | 68 | 5104 | samuel.willis@wichita.edu | 2019 |
Kirsten Johnson | Fine Arts | 67 | 7708 | kirsten.johnson@wichita.edu | 2019 |
Frank Rokasz | Education | frank.rokosz@wichita.edu | 2019 | ||
Ray Hull | Health Professions | 142 | 3271 | ray.hull@wichita.edu | 2019 |
Carolyn Shaw | President - chair | 17 | 7130 | carolyn.shaw@wichita.edu | |
Bayram Yildirim | Past President | 35 | 3426 | bayram.yildirm@wichita.edu | |
Betty Smith Campbell | President - elect | 41 | 5746 | betty.smith-campbell@wichita.edu |
a. Composition: 12: Faculty Senate President (chair), Faculty Senate President- Elect,
Faculty Senate Past President, 9 senators elected from each of the Faculty Senate
ex-officio: Classified Senate President, Unclassified Senate President
b. Selection: Standard for the nine members elected from the Faculty Senate, three
to be elected by the Senate each year to serve a three-year term. Each At-Large senator
is eligible to represent his/her division. Members must serve concurrently as Senators
and vacancies shall be filled by a vote of the Senate for the unexpired term with
the provision that the selected member shall be from the appropriate division.
c. Charges:
1. Provide the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate with reports as tasks are
completed from their annual written charge of specific topics and projects to the
Faculty Senate Planning and Budget Committee.
2. Identify and define the most appropriate avenues for faculty participation in
the planning and budget processes
3. Advise the faculty representative to university budget committee (President of
the Faculty Senate) and the Vice President of Academic Affairs , the administrative
representative of the faculty, on faculty concerns and priorities related to budget
4. Review all matters relating to university planning and budgets, and expenditures,
Including budget policies and assumptions.
5. Develop the faculty perspective on strategic issues and direction of the University,
through direct participation with the Vice President of Academic Affairs , college/school/University
Libraries deans, department chairs, Faculty Senate, and appropriate university-level
planning groups.
6. Participate in the development of the legislative request budget.
7. Meet and confer with representatives of the Board of Regents and state agencies
as they may request.
8. Review the revision/reallocation process that occurs after the legislature determines
the actual budget allocations to the University, including the allocation of salary
increase funds held by the VPAA
9. Provide the faculty senate with regular reports on the activities of the committee
regarding developments in the planning and budget preparation process.
10. Make recommendations to the Faculty Senate and to the administration in matters
related to university planning and budgets.
11. Advise and consult with the President of the Faculty Senate and the President-Elect
of the Faculty Senate on budget matters before their scheduled meetings with the Vice-President
of Academic Affairs
revised membership 3-27-00
revised selection 2-22-10
College/School/University Libraries | ||||
Barton School of Business | ||||
College of Education | ||||
College of Engineering | ||||
Coilege of Fine Arts | ||||
College of Health Professions | ||||
Fairmount College of Liberal Arts & Sciences | ||||
University Libraries | ||||
Student Government Rep. | ||||
ex-officio |
c. a. Composition: 9 members: 7 chairs of the Advisory and Appeals Committee for Retrenchment
for each of the College/School/University Libraries, 1 student, 1 Ex Officio: University
Equal Employment Opportunity Officer (non-voting)
b. Selection: Chairs of Advisory and Appeals Committee for Retrenchment are chosen
according to the same procedures used in selecting Tenure and Promotion committee
chairs or by other procedures adopted by the faculty of the college/school/University
If a college/school/University Libraries elects the membership of its Tenure and
Promotion Committee and of its Retrenchment Committee, separate elections must be
held for each committee. Overlapping membership will be permitted if it arises out
of separate elections.
If some portion of the membership of the Tenure and Promotion Committee of a college/school/University
Libraries is appointed, and/or if some portion of the membership of the college/school/University
Libraries Retrenchment Committee is appointed, then no more than half of the members
of either committee may simultaneously be members of the other. The Rules Committee
has the authority to grant an exception to this regulation for a particular college/school/University
Libraries, if such a request for exception can be justified.
c. Charge:
1. a) To regularly review the status of the university and its component parts in
relation to those aspects relevant to possible financial exigency.
b) To participate in preventive planning for the university prior to a declared exigency.
c) To review university and college/school/University Libraries plans for retrenchment
should a declaration of financial exigency be necessary
d) To serve as an appeals committee during periods of financial exigency as described
in the "Policies and Procedures for the Reduction of Unclassified Staff for Reasons
of Financial Exigency" document adopted by the University Faculty September 15, 1980,
or as amended.
2. Planning during non-crisis periods
a) Biannual review of the current status and future projections for the University
by the President and/or the president for Academic Affairs with the University Committee
and others as appropriate.
b) The chair of the University Committee shall be involved regularly in discussions
with the university administration regarding university financial status, especially
at time of budget hearings.
c) Review and consideration of policies such as early retirement or semi-retirement,
shared positions, faculty retraining and faculty reassignment which could help avoid
declaration of financial exigency.
3. During a period of financial exigency.
Function as stated in the "Policies and Procedures for the Reduction of Unclassified
Staff for Reasons of financial Exigency" document adopted by the University Faculty
September 15, 1980, or as amended.
Name | College | Box | Ext | Appt. Ends | |
Susan Castro | LA Humanities | 74 | 7382 | susan.castro@wichita.edu | 2019 |
Jodie Simon | LAS SOcial | 82 | 7166 | jodie.simon@wichita.edu | 2018 |
Hussein Hamdeh | LAS Natural Sci | 32 | 3994 | hussein.hamdeh@wichita.edu | 2018 |
Julie Bees | Fine Arts | 53 | 6089 | julie.bees@wichita.edu | 2019 |
Danny Bergman | Education | 28 | 6267 | daniel.bergman@wichita.edu | 2019 |
Trish Self | Health Professions | 75 | 6810 | trisha.self@wichita.edu | 2019 |
Dotty Harpool | Business | 48 | 6018 | dorothy.harpool@wichita.edu | 2020 |
Faye O'Reilly | University Libraries | 68 | 6442 | Faye.Oreilly@wichita.edu. | 2020 |
Rajiv Bagai | Engneering | 83 | 3915 | rajiv.bagai@wichita.edu | 2020 |
Betty Smith Campbell | President - Elect | 41 | 5746 | betty.smith-campbell@wichita.edu | |
Nikki Keene Woods | Vice President | 135 | 3060 | nikki.keenewoods@wichita.edu |
a. Composition: 11: 9 Faculty, one chosen from each of the Senate divisions, Vice
President of the Senate, President-Elect of the Senate (Chair)
b. Selection: Standard
c. Charges:
1. Recommend changes to the Senate rules and constitution to the Senate and update
the rules and constitution to reflect changes passed by the Senate.
2. Recommend changes to the bylaws of the University Faculty and updates the bylaws
to reflect any changes made.
3. Recommend to the Senate procedures and policies for the Senate elections. The
Vice President of the Senate conducts the elections.
4. Recommend to the Senate changes to the Senate committee structure and changes
in the procedures for appointing faculty, administrators, and staff to these committees,
and nominate candidates for the committees to the Senate for its approval. In making
nominations the committee is not restricted to nominations from Senate categories
or committee preference forms, but should strive to create the strongest and most
effective committees.
5. Review and suggest changes in the Faculty Grievance Procedure and coordinate its
6. Interpret the Rules and Constitution of the Faculty Senate.
Name | College | Box | Ext | Appt. Ends | |
Rich Bomgardner | Education | 16 | 3340 | rich.bomgardner@wichita.edu | 2018 |
Gina Riggs | Health Professions | 75 | 3240 | gina.riggs@wichita.edu | 2018 |
Francis Connor | LAS Humanities | 14 | 3130 | francis.connor@wichita.edu | 2018 |
Justine Sasanfar | Fine Arts | 53 | 3123 | justine.sasanfar@wichita.edu | 2019 |
Michael Imhof - chair | Business | 87 | 3215 | michael.imhof@wichita.edu | 2019 |
Kandatega Wimalasena | LAS Natural Sci | 51 | 7386 | kandatega.wimalasena@wichita.edu | 2019 |
Lizzy Walker | University Libraries | 68 | 5138 | lizzy.walker@wichita.edu | 2020 |
Abu Asaduzzaman | Engineering | 44 | 3400 | abu.asaduzzman@wihita.edu | 2020 |
Dan Close | LAS Social Sci | 31 | 6058 | dan.close@wichita.edu | 2020 |
Student: Haneeha Vishwa Sai hxvishwasai@shockers.Wichita.edu
a. Composition: 12: 9 Faculty, one chosen from each of the Senate divisions, 1 student,
Director of Financial Aid or designated replacement (ex-officio, non-voting), Representative
from Admissions Office (ex-officio, non-voting)
b. Selection: Standard
c. Charges:
1. Review the actions of the Financial Aids Office and the Admissions Office, as
they relate to scholarships and student aid.
2. Recommends and reviews procedures for the selection and termination of scholarships
and financial aid administered by the Financial Aid Office and the Admissions Office.
3. Conduct a periodic review of the policies and related procedures for the awarding
of scholarships and financial aid administered by the Financial Aid Office and the
Admissions Office.
4. Recommend and review procedures for the Distinguished Scholarships Invitational
(DSI) competition.
5. Act as the final appeals board for students with scholarship grievances.
6. Annual reports to the Senate shall include recommendations to and actions taken
by appropriate administrators.
revised membership & charge 4/10/2000, 11/8/10
College/School/University Libraries | Box | Ext | Appt. Ends | |
Barton School of Business | 88 | 7115 | masud.chand@wichita.edu | |
College of Education | 142 | 6392 | jean.patterson@wichita.edu | |
College of Engineering -- chair | 35 | 5777 | Gamal Weheba@wichita.edu | |
College of Fine Arts | 153 | 3360 | carl.baker@wichita.edu | |
College of Health Professions | 75 | 5634 | douglas.parham@wichita.edu | |
Fairmount College of Liberal Arts & Sciences | 17 | 7130 | carolyn.shaw@wichita.edu | |
University Libraries | 68 | 5139 | susan.matveyeva@wichita.edu | |
AT LARGE | ||||
Atul Rai | 87 | 6251 | atul.rai@wichita.edu | 2018 |
Peer Moore-Jansen | 52 | 7059 | pmojan@wichita.edu | 2019 |
Student: Stella Yang.
a. Composition: 12: 7 Chairs of the Tenure and Promotion Committees of the degree-granting
college/school and for University Libraries, 2 Tenured Faculty (at-large), 1 Student
(non-voting), 2 Ex-officio: (non-voting) Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dean
of the Graduate School. Ex-officio members shall not be present at the meeting when
final votes are taken.
b. Selection:
Chairs of tenure and promotion committees in the degree-granting colleges/schools
and for University Libraries are chosen according to procedures established in their
respective college/school/University Libraries, or unit. They are elected to two-year
staggered terms. Faculty-at-large are selected according to standard procedures for
naming members to faculty senate committees, except that they shall be from different
Faculty Senate divisions, and shall be full-time, tenured faculty members with the
rank of associate professor or higher. Faculty-at-large serve three-year terms. Ex-officio
and faculty at-large members may not serve while a candidate for promotion or incentive
review, or while on sabbatical leave. Replacement appointments shall be made as needed,
following standard procedures.
c. Charge:
1. Implement University-wide policies and procedures for awarding tenure and promotion.
2. Coordinate the Tenure and Promotion Calendar.
3. Specify the format for documentation in support of Tenure and Promotion Review,
with a view to developing comparable standards throughout the University while recognizing
essential college/school/University Libraries differences.
4. Formulate transmittal, reporting, and appeals procedures for awarding tenure and
5. Ensure that there are University-wide procedures for notifying the relevant administrators
and those faculty members for whom tenure decisions must be made before reappointment.6.
Review tenure and promotion cases in accordance with the University Tenure, Promotion,
and Appeals Procedure.
7. Review every three years the college/school/University Libraries guidelines for
tenure and promotion. 8. Report to the full Faculty Senate for review issues of concern
in tenure policies and tenure and promotion guidelines.
Revision Date:
October 13, 2009
[The Dean of each college, school, and University Libraries will forward a copy of
their College/University Libraries Guidelines and Criteria for Tenure and Promotion
to the Chair of the University Tenure and Promotion Committee by February 1 as follows:
(9-27-99)Forwarded to the President for acceptance]]
2013-14, 2016-17, 2019-2020, etc. College of Education, College of Engineering
2014-15, 2017-18, 2020-21 etc. College of Fine Arts, Fairmount College of Liberal
Arts & Sciences, University Libraries
2015-16, 2018-19, 2021-2022, etc. Barton School of Business, College of Health Professions
Name | College | Box | Ext | Appt. Ends | |
Dinorah Azpuru | LAS Social Sci | 17 | dinorah.azpuru@wichita.edu | 2018 | |
John Hammond - chair | LAS Natural Sci | 33 | 3260 | john.hammond@wichita.edu | 2018 |
Aaron Bowen | University Libraries | 68 | 5075 | aaron.bowen@wichita.edu | 2018 |
Shuang Gu | Engineering | 133 | 6213 | shuang.gu@wichita.edu | 2019 |
Janice Ewing | Education | 28 | 5355 | janice.ewing@wichita.edu | 2019 |
Anthony May | Business | 77 | 5509 | anthony.may@wichita.edu | 2020 |
Abu Asaduzzaman | Engineeering |
83 |
5211 | abu.asaduzzman@wichita.edu | 2020 |
Kelly Anderson | Health Professions | 144 | 5488 | kelly.anderson@wichita.edu | 2020 |
Susan Sterret | LAS Humanities | 74 | susan.sterret@wichita.edu | 2020 | |
Kimberly Engber | Honors Dean | 102 | 3130 | kimberly.engber@wichita.edu |
Student: Taylor Williams tmwilliams1@shockers.wichita.edu
a. Composition: 12: 9 Faculty, one chosen from each of the Senate divisions, Director
of the Honors Program, 1 student, 1 representative from ORA (non-voting)
b. Selection: Standard
c. Charge: Administer and review the Undergraduate Research Forum
Name | College | Box | Ext | Appt. Ends | |
Katie Cramer | Education | 28 | 6933 | katie.cramer@wichita.edu | 2018 |
Deepak Gupta | Engineeing | 35 | 7758 | deepak.gupta@wichita.edu | 2018 |
Patricia Dooley | LAS Social Sci | 31 | 6968 | pat.dooley@wichita.edu | 2018 |
Amy Chesser | Health Professions | 43 | 3145 | 3145amy.chesser@wichita.edu | 2018 |
Rachel Crane | University Libraries | 68 | 5078 | rachel.crane@wichita.edu | 2019 |
John Perry | Business | 88 | 3426 | john.perry@wichita.edu | 2019 |
Kirsten Johnson | Fine Arts | 67 | 7708 | kirsten.johnson@wichita.edu | 2020 |
Brigitte Roussel | LAS Humanities | 111 | 6329 | brigitte.roussel@wichita.edu | 2020 |
Jim Bann | LAS Natural Sci | 51 | 3120 | jim.bann@wichita.edu | 2020 |
Student: Saylis Sengvilay. ssengvil@gmail.com
Composition: 12: 9 Faculty: 1 chosen from each of the Senate divisions, with the understanding
that six faculty members are serving at any given time throughout the year. (rev.5/04)
1 student, 1 V.P. for Student Affairs (non-voting), 1 Representative of the Admissions
Office (non-voting)
e. (Committee may use former members if necessary)
b. Selection: Standard
c. Charges:
1. Review policies and related procedures regarding admission to the University and
exceptions to existing University rules.
2. Consider applications for admission of students who do not meet University standards
for admissions, and exceptions to existing rules for students requesting them.
3. Reports to the Senate, as required un the Standard Charge to all Policy Committees,
shall include recommendations made to appropriate administrative persons and actions
taken by those persons.
a. Composition: Past 九色堂 faculty senate presidents, current president
and president elect
b. Charges:
1. Meet with the executive committee twice a year at the request of president of
faculty senate (or as needed) about the state of the university, e.g., at the beginning
of fall and spring semesters
2. Serve as an Advisory council to the President of executive committee
3. Provide historical perspectives on issues related to Faculty Senate
4. Assist in policy clarifications by providing the intent and historical purpose
Name | College | Box | Ext | Appt. Ends | |
Dharam Chopra | LAS | 33 | 3970 | dharam.chopra@wichita.edu | 2019 |
Mary Walker | University Libraries | 68 | 5792 | mary.walker@wichita.edu | 2018 |
Donna Sayman | Educatiion | 28 | 5877 | donna.sayman@wichita.edu | 2020 |
Name | College | Box | ext | ||
Rebecca Bechtold | LAS | 14 | 3130 | rebecca.bechtold@wichita.edu | 2020 |