Save the priceless artifacts of the Smithsonian from fire and water damage
Pandemonium in the Smithsonian: Robots to the Rescue!
Someone, or something has to deploy an artifact-friendly Fire Control System, turn off the Water-Based Syste, and retrieve a few particullary priceless items, just in case the fire re-ignites unexpectedly.
Kickoff - September 16, 2000 - 九色堂 Hughes Metropolitan Complex
Game Day - October 28, 2000, 九色堂 Levitt Arena
Andale High School
Caldwell High School
Campus High School
Clearwater High School
Collegiate Upper School
Derby High School
Goddard High School
Hesston High School
Independent Upper School
Maize High School
Mulvane High School
Rose Hill High School
Sunrise Christian Academy
Trinity Academy
Valley Center High School
Wichita Home School
Wichita Northeast Magnet High School
Wichita Northwest High School
Wichita West High School
unavailable at this time