Meet a Shocker: Felicia Smith, Bachelor of Social Work

What is your degree in?

Bachelor of Social Work

What led you to ΎΕΙ«ΜΓ?

The social work department and that it was close to home.

How are you feeling leading up to graduation?

I am overwhelmed with emotions. I am the first child of my parents who will obtain their bachelor’s degree. I quit college after having my children because it was too much. I am proud that I returned and that they were able to see the amount of sacrifice and dedication I put into obtaining my degree. It was not an easy journey, but it was always my dream.

What are your career plans?

I have been accepted into the Master of Social Work program at ΎΕΙ«ΜΓ. I will be working as a ΎΕΙ«ΜΓ Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) lead next year as my practicum work. I plan to work on a macro level of social work.

How has the COVID-19 crisis altered those plans, if at all?

If anything, it has rekindled the passion inside me. I have always wanted to help others, but this time has shown that the amount of help needed in our communities is great.

What advice do you have for other students on how to cope with the uncertainty of these times?

I encourage self-care. The term used to sound so silly to me, but honestly it has gotten me through these times. Writing down goals, making checklists, meditation, learning new recipes and long bubble baths have saved me.

What has been your most helpful learning experience while a student at ΎΕΙ«ΜΓ?

My most helpful learning experience has been my time serving as an AmeriCorps VISTA. I learned so much about the nonprofit agencies out there and worked so hard to bring agencies together in order to make a bigger impact.

What was been your biggest challenge as a student, and how did you overcome it?

My biggest challenge has been that I am a mother and an adult learner. I was working two jobs, commuting from Hutchinson to Wichita, at some sort of practice or game 4 or 5 nights a week with my children, and still trying to be a good student. Time management was crucial for my success. I took it one day and one assignment at a time. I also had great support from my mother, children and friends.

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