
To get the best photos, you want a dark sky far away from light pollution that will reduce the quality of your images. If you have a favorite hiking spot, pack up your tripod and get out there.

Taking shots of the night sky is about more than pointing your camera up. Exploring the principles of will help you capture stunning images.

The Ultimate beginners Guide to Astrophotography (2020)

Astrophotography for Noobs.

Taking shots of the night sky is about more than pointing your camera up. Exploring the principles of astrophotography will help you capture stunning images.

Interest in Astrophotography?


He insisted that stars were people so well loved, they were traced in constellations, to live forever.
Jodi Picoult,  My Sister's Keeper

4 Styles of Astrophotography

Astrophotography of the stars using light painting techniques.

Light Painting

 is a popular technique that many photographers use to great effect, and not just with the night sky. Light paintings are long exposures that cause points of light to  and travel, creating interesting photographs that are scribemled with light. Many astrophotographers use this method to capture the rotation of the Earth through the movement of the points of light of the stars.

Time-lapse astronomy photo of the moon traveling across the sky.

Time Lapse

astrophotography is the process of setting up a camera to take photos at regular intervals and then combining those photos into a video, so you can see movements over a long period of time. If you鈥檝e ever seen a video of the sun rising really fast, you鈥檝e seen time-lapse photos.

Capturing a field of stars, or starscape, with space photography.


Capturing a massive requires equipment and know-how, but the results can be spectacular, producing views of the stars that you鈥檇 be otherwise unable to capture with the naked eye. 

Shooting a close-up of the moon with astrophotography techniques.


Using a telescope, you can take truly spectacular images of . This style of photography requires a bit more equipment than your standard photo adventure. 

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Start exploring the Milky Way with your camera.

The  for a photographer 鈥 there鈥檚 something magnetic about it that keeps people looking up at the stars. With the right equipment and knowledge, you can take gorgeous pictures of everything from star clusters to the new moon, joining your fellow astrophotographers in mapping out deep space. 

Be intentional with long exposures.

before you set out on any photography venture, define your intentions. What kinds of photos do you want to take? Do you have the equipment and knowledge to do it? Explore these possibilities to discover which ones seem most interesting to you. 

Astrophotography Lenses 鈥 beyond the f-number | Fischer Photography

Celestial Objects To Observe.


While we may quibble about how to pronounce its name, there's no denying that is one of the most fascinating and useful stars in the heavens.


's bright and easy to find in binoculars and maybe even with the naked eye in late summer skies. It's also just as easy to acquire a piece of it without a multi-billion dollar space mission.

Prairie Skies

The offers truly dark skies enjoyed by veteran observers and first-timers alike.


, a star rotating so fast it has squashed itself, has a fascinating connection to the mythology of healing.


Don't use a full Moon pass to skip this year's . Right here, right now, we're going to help you make the most of it.

ISO: ISO refers to how light sensitive the film in your camera is. In modern digital cameras, it refers to the sensitivity of the sensor in the camera to light. Higher ISO settings will result in brighter images, but they will also increase the graininess of your images. For astrophotography, you want to keep the ISO as low as you can, while still enhancing the light sensitivity, in order to keep your images of the sky as crisp and clear as possible.
Shutter speed:  determines how long the shutter on your camera is going to remain open and allow light to hit the film in your camera or its digital sensor. It鈥檚 measured in relation to seconds, so a fast shutter speed might be 1/1,000 of a second, while a slow speed might be one second. For night photography, you鈥檙e going to have to use a tripod, because you need to use really slow shutter speeds, and you don鈥檛 want your image to blur. Try exposures of 5, 8, or even 10 seconds, and examine your results to see what looks best.
Aperture: You鈥檒l likely need to use a lower aperture setting (called an ), because while higher f-stops will allow for an image with more depth of field, it will be difficult to get enough light for a good exposure. because you鈥檙e not likely to be drawing attention to depth of field in photos of the stars, higher aperture settings will be the way to go (with exceptions of course).

Find the right tools & camera settings.

Once you鈥檝e determined what type of photography you鈥檙e interested in, it鈥檚 time to get your tools together.

While smartphone cameras are making enormous technological leaps, you鈥檙e going to want the benefits of a DSLR camera with interchangeable lenses. And no matter what type of night sky photography you鈥檝e chosen to shoot, a tripod is a must.

If you want to do astrophotography or night photography, you want cameras with larger sensors.

It鈥檚 also a good idea to invest in a digital camera with high  potential. 鈥淚f you want to do astrophotography or  you want cameras with larger sensors,鈥 says photographer Derek boyd. 鈥淗igh-quality cameras that shoot ISO 6,400 and up are going to give you cleaner images.鈥  are key for succeeding in astrophotography.

If you鈥檙e looking to create a deep sky photography rig for capturing detailed images of celestial bodies, you鈥檒l need some more-advanced equipment 鈥 most likely an equatorial mount, a telescope, a guide telescope, and a few other pieces of necessary equipment.

Top 6 best Nikon Z Lenses for Astrophotography - Lensguide.io

Explore these to start building your astrophotography editing skills:

Astrophotography is one of the more equipment-intensive and technical forms of photography, but with an open mind and an entrepreneurial attitude, you can produce astounding images that make everyone want to stargaze. Remember, astrophotography is an adventure. , a long-time professional photographer, has this advice: 鈥淲ith night (and astro) photography, embrace the random things that happen. You can come up with some really cool stuff if you鈥檙e more in that mindset.鈥